Far Cry 3 is a first-person shooter that takes place on a lawless island ruled by pirates. You play as Jason Brody, a spoiled rich kid who has to learn how to survive in order to save his friends who were captured by the pirates.

The gameplay consists of typical FPS elements but with lots of added new mechanics like stealth killing and chaining kills together. Completing missions and killing enemies rewards XP to use in unlocking these new skills, and definitely adds more enjoyment in combat. The crafting system is simple, hunt animals, loot pelts, craft ammo pouches, bigger inventory, etc. Along with survival, you have to take on pirate outposts to create fast travel points across the map, while disabling radio towers reveals more of the map to you. Overall, combat feels good and enjoyable watching Jason basically go on a massive murder spree.

The story is definitely a strong point in Far Cry 3. Jason is given a tattoo, symbolizing his status as a warrior. As you become more powerful, you add more to the tattoo, eventually becoming the ultimate warrior. The game provides one of the best villains in gaming history, taunting you and making you question your own sanity. The game does well in showing Jason maturing and realizing who he's meant to be.

The graphics in Far Cry 3 feel as if I'm really trapped on an island. The first-person experience is excellent, and the island design is great. Lots of variety despite being a typical hot island. The environment feels living and interactable. Character design is also excellent, creating memorable faces as you experience a variety of people.

Overall, Far Cry 3 is probably the best in the series with an intriguing story and enjoyable gameplay along with likable characters and a very impressive graphics system. I definitely recommend picking up this game, especially on a sale.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2024
