Alright, I'll admit it: I was wrong. I don't have too much to say but man, after beating this I can absolutely understand why it was such a monumental game. Brilliant final chapter and ending.

Original review:
After beating the original Portal, I started this one immediately with hopes of it being better than the first. The voice acting and story of the beginning was super great and fun, but around chapter 3 I believe, I just kinda... lost interest. The puzzles became something you have to spend a long time thinking about and trying things, I honestly preferred the much quicker pace of the first game. That's just me being dumb and being bad at puzzle solving, though.

Reviewed on Apr 08, 2021


Keep going, the final boss is one of the best in gaming

2 years ago

My brother has actually been playing through the game with me watching, is it worth not spoiling myself for that when he plays it?
Yeah it's not worth spoiling.