As usual with most Suda51 games, it's a load of fun. There are some things it does better than the previous games, that being the overworld is more manageable and it doesn't drag nearly as much as the 1st game when it comes to getting the necessary funds to fight the ranked assassins and honestly has a better written story than 2 for sure. Other than that it's the same as any other NMH title: fun combat, goofy meta humor, again, as with any Suda51 game. But honestly, I gotta admit the bosses don't feel nearly as satisfying as the first game. Felt like it was well worth the wait in that game, but here, while I did have fun, I felt like some were difficult to understand at first or were way too easy even on the middle difficulty. Still a fun experience nonetheless. If anything it was a nice wrap up for Travis Touchdown as a character. Hell, the game kinda shows how he's changed compared to how he started out at the very beginning, so that was neat.

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2021
