This was my first SMT game and there are some issues i had the game. One of them being it's repetitiveness and how weak the story i didn't feel like a lot of effort was put to suck you into the game to offset the below average world design. second issue is the overall gameplay it was very average where you have to explore this vast dead areas for a huge part of the game they put nothing in to make it fun to explore except the handful of quests in those areas. the first 3 areas feel exactly the same with just different colors. that coupled with the slim story makes you feel you are in a time loop of doing the same thing over and over.
It was really fun the few first hours then it gradually became a slog to finish it.

Reviewed on Jan 17, 2022


2 years ago

Pretty accurate, haven’t beaten it yet but this has been my experience so far

2 years ago

sounds like you should play devil survivor.