8 Reviews liked by Nosferatu

Awful, boring and garbage. Disney Frozen: Olaf's Quest is a tedious exercise in boredom. Some say medieval torture should be brought back from the depths of time to teach rotten criminals what's right. But some people don't realise that Disney has already done just that, but in a more discreet way. They're cleverly using junk games to torture the criminals of tomorrow today! Before one commits a crime, they're punished, but does that mean that I, the protagonist, is a criminal? Yes. This thought-provoking piece makes one look deeper into the psyche of one's own inner soul, are we all criminals, and hence-force, do we all deserve to be punished?

That is the true meaning behind this game, we all are sinful. But the question I ask myself is, do we need to be punished so harshly for living in sin? Is living slothfully in the luxury of today's entertainments so wrong? What does Disney have against humans? The infirmities of man are vast and we are punished so harshly with such terrible, terrible video games, which makes me think, this "game" was hand-crafted by humans, right? WRONG! This game was made by aliens, no human-mind is so sick and twisted that they could reasonably plot something so wrong and so evil and still be able to have the mental capabilities to finish their work and release it to the public in such a finished state. Any mere mortal would have had their mind shattered under the influence of such attrocities, which is what lead me to the conclusion that this game is not made by humans.

The next thing one is to wonder though, what does this mean for the future of our society, aliens are operating such mega-corpations and have intertwined within our society so tightly that we barely noticed it. How long have we been wronged by these mysterious foes? While trudging through the endless onslaught of levels in this game, these were the questions flowing through my mind. I have yet to come up with an answer to all of my uncoverings, but I am also not sure if I will ever be able to find the truth. I imagine I will be killed soon for desecrating Mr. Mouse's holyland with such blasphemy. But that is fine, my life will be used as a mere stepping stone to thrust humany forward to a better tomorrow, no longer will we have to suffer through such boring video games, no longer will we be given empty promises of a longer recess, no longer will we be forced to pretend to like each other!

Those are my final wishes. I can't imagine that Mr. Mouse's empire will be overthrown any time soon. But as long as the seeds of doubt are planted into the minds of today's youth, that is okay. People will soon come to learn that Mr. Mouse doesn't have the people's best wishes in mind, and they will come for his throne. See you in Hell Mickey.

Suicide is likely a better alternative

Colorblind people be like:
"Wow so this is Fortnite!"


This game is a trap, a trap cleverly planted by demons, but not just any demons, the king of all demons, Lucifer himself. The myth, the legend, has sewn together this ruse of a game. With the wisdom I have aquired over my many years of life, I managed to spot this fib and get away before I was trapped. But my sweet, sweet younger brother was not so lucky. Oh, how unfortunate a day it was today that we happened upon this game on this day, for I have no younger brother on this day of all days, one month before his big day. Oh, the sadness in my heart, my heart aches. This evil, sinful game trapped my brother in the loading screen, where they ripped away the use of his Enter button so he could not progress to even the title screen! We just wanted to play, one singular game together, as friends, as brothers, as comanions. But no, this game of deciet, of lies, of treachery has done my brother in. No longer will I see his smiling face, the light in his eyes, now gone dim.