Romanticizes mental illness and presents a fatalistic view where nothing can be done about it. The 'meta horror' elements come off as trying too hard. Both the meta elements and the theme of mental illness ultimately say nothing and just seem to be in the game for shock value and to create buzz.

Fun fact: the original release completely lacked any content warnings!

Reviewed on Mar 11, 2024


3 months ago

Did the original release really not have any content warnings? I'm searching for a source on that, and I can't find anything stating that there wasn't.

3 months ago

It seems the original version merely stated, “This game is not suitable for children or those who are easily disturbed” (sourced from ). I certainly wouldn't describe myself as 'easily disturbed', but self-harm and suicide jumpscares really don't sit well with me.

3 months ago

The original release also provided a website link that would send you to this: for more detailed content warnings about the game. DDLC+ further expanded upon that by putting the information in the game itself. I personally think that the content warning worked both ways, though DDLC+'s method is better.