Overall I liked it. It had a fun setting, great character banter, interesting mysteries, and generally decent character development.

As many have said, easily the biggest flaw of the VN is that all the heroine route endings are 'open-ended'. Best way I can describe it without spoilers is that there are conflicts resolved, usually just the romance and some kind of "mini-boss". But the bigger conflict at large is definitely unresolved and the VN overtly highlights that. Thankfully there is a sequel being developed but it's unfortunate whatever circumstances led to incomplete routes had to happen.

Only other flaw is the romance in each route is slightly rushed. You can kinda see the attraction before they get together but they do the 'classic' confession right before/during a sex scene. I guess at least Ruka at least didn't lose his personality during H-scenes like others.

Rankings are something like:


Chiffon > Claris > Mell = Komachi.

Chiffon fits my weirdo waifu while having nice fight scenes. Everyone else is decent.


Claris > Mell = Komachi > Chiffon

Claris had the most story relevant twists, though all of them had decent relevations. Chiffon's route wasn't bad, but the other routes had more plot from the getgo while hers was a bit more slice of life-y starting out. I don't mind slice of life, and Chiffon humor is good, but just oddly sticks out when the other 3 have more plot.

Sadly with Blade & Dagger it looks like these routes are gonna be unfinished like what the author usually does but at least we'll get Ryouko and Fuyumi routes.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2024
