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2 days ago

Nuage completed XDefiant
Fun at its core but so many flaws make it a very barebone experience

This is 2024 and after years of developpment and open/closed betas we're getting a COD-like fps with :

- Fewer weapons than COD 4 (which released in 2007 mind you)
- Fewer game modes
- Fewer maps (1/3 of them are terrible imo)
- Awful netcode with hitmarkers which don't deal any damage and case of dying seconds after getting behind covers because somehow your opponent still see you on their screen

- Almost no unlockable, where are the camouflages ? COD 4 has around 6, here there are 3, bronze, silver and gold. I'm not counting shitty battle pass rewards, also where are the titles, emblems ? Where's the fucking soul of this game ? It's trying to replicate the golden age of call of duty but don't understand what made it cool.

- Very bad balancing with broken abilities, a spider that you just throw out and it will autotrack any ennemy in the map and jump on them, paralyzing them for a good 5s while you can take your time killing them. Ultimate abilities are broken as fuck, not fun to fight against and can make a battle completely one sided as the team winning will get their ultimate first, which result in a complete snowball in many game modes, notably escort and zone controls, in which you'll probably lose without having the time to get your ultimate and then the meter goes back to 0 at next round, neat.

- It's more of a subjective thing but I personally hate the jumpy metagame where everyone just jump around permanently even during duels as it has no downside and make you harder to hit.

To think this is among the best arcade fps I've played among recent years sadden me because holy fuck there's not a single world where I would not trade this to play COD4 again.

To end on a positive note, I think many of these points can be fixed and the game is not as bad as I make it sound but it can be better and I hope it'll get better.

5 days ago

8 days ago

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