Every time I play one of these games I’m always like ok they’ve gone too far and they’ve ruined it but once I get into it I realise they can still compete at an amazing level. The stuff they add in is really fun too like the menu addition gives you more freedom to what you can do.

The game still flowed really well, and I think the expansion of the cqc makes it so you don’t just feel like you’re running through the enemies but you can use different strategies in different ways to achieve your goal.

Decent story too I think it caps off the original trilogy in a great way because i would have much rather seen this than extension of 2 because it does connect them in a way that works well.

I’m really iffy on where to put this to be honest, in terms of it being ahead of it’s time it’s definitely the best because how did this game come out on ps2 but then again I think I had a better time with the other 2 games just because I didn’t put as much time into this as I could have.

Reviewed on May 10, 2024
