This review will not be a 1 to 1 comparison between this and the original RE4 (outside of extreme gameplay changes) but my own stand alone opinion of the game itself and its own merits, RE4R is a lengthy dark and most importantly action orientated story taking Leon to Spain... yadda yadda you know the rest.

After my own S+ of professional difficulty i can safely say there's no lack of content for a mostly linear game the shear amount of possibilities through either making different weapon choices to bonus equipment makes it an near endless experience that should be played by anyone who gives a damn about the resident evil series.

It hard to talk about this game without bringing up the original at least once but truthfully its enough of a fresh experience that you can call them completely different and not be entirely wrong, everything from the map layouts to bonus areas such as the shooting range has changed in quite a drastic way now giving you a more tangible reward with charms that add various affect ranging from healing bonuses to upgrade discounts, the weapons in the remake themselves have also undergone their own changes mainly being damage and accuracy rebalances the fan favourite Red 9 is no longer the 1 weapon needed as its no far more inaccurate even with the stock making it a more situation choice for close to mid encounters.

i wont go into any spoilers with the story but if you've played the original its mostly the same outside of some better backstory explanations overlooked in the originals plots.

I'll conclude my review here if there's anything to take away from this review is that overall its a fun experience it may not be anything absolutely breath-taking but dang is it a wild ride till the end.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2023
