I know within my heart that this game certainly isn't perfect, but I cannot deny its pure excellence and how it overall appeals to me.

Yeah, the later missions are a bit samey, there's a few little performance hitches even when having the game set to its dedicated "performance mode," but the pure thrill of combat - especially with DMC's fantastic enemy variety - makes this game a pure masterpiece.

Helming nowhere near the best story in gaming, Devil May Cry 5 might have the best gameplay out there, full stop. These compliments are only further lifted by the awesome inclusions made for this Special Edition re-release.

Of course, this second playthrough meant that I finished the game as Vergil, who's definitely a much harder character to play as than anyone else, yet is infinitely more rewarding because of that fact. Playing like he does in DMC3, Vergil is undoubtedly the most powerful character in this entire game, as long as you know how to use him. That sense of rewarding skillful play has always been something I've loved about DMC as a series, overall.

Additional inclusions to this Special Edition release is the long-awaited turbo mode for making the game run 20% faster (highly recommended), Legendary Black Knight difficulty if you're either way too good or you just hate yourself, and neat performance tweaking options to find your optimal graphics/performance foothold.

My one serious complaint with this re-release is why it couldn't have been on PC. I wouldn't have played it there, but it's still rather dumb that these inclusions just aren't available on PC besides the Vergil mode. I know that modders have essentially brought through the additional Special Edition features over to PC, but it shouldn't have to be a mod, Capcom...

Anyway please play this game and show it some support cause I want more games like this in the mainstream; thanks.

Reviewed on May 07, 2021
