While harking back to some rather cool elements from the classic RE games, Revelations acts like the same old action-oriented entries to the series; that's fine and all, but the mish-mash of ideas leads to serious tonal inconsistency, and the gameplay really isn't that fulfilling.

Expectations have to be tempered correctly since this is a port of a 3DS game, but with it running on the same engine as its predecessors, I can't see an excuse why this thing is as flavorless as it is.

The story is pretty dull and inconsequential for the most part to the series going forward (as far as I've experienced so far), voice acting is ATROCIOUS as well as the writing, bosses are extremely poorly designed and a pain to get through even on easy, the gameplay is fine but needs serious retooling in the menus to get it feeling half-decent, and while we still get that familiar level-design from before, the backtracking elements feel nowhere near as good as they did in RE 1 or 2, instead rehashing the same areas over and over and over again to make the game a serious chore to finish.

Again, the game is fine, overall, but not great. If you can put up with some strange design decisions, and the fact that you're playing a port of a mobile game, essentially, you might get something out of this. As it stands, here, I cannot stand the extremely frustrating aspects of this game and I will never see myself returning to it.

Reviewed on Apr 09, 2020
