Call of Duty: Roads to Victory is a simultaneous victim to the overambition of making a decent first-person shooter on the PSP and its dreadful allegiance to a rapidly outdated campaign formula that permeated early CoD titles.

For the first few hours, Roads to Victory is a fun trek down classic Call of Duty grounds. The fun sadly turns sour faster than anticipated when mission structures never truly evolve, leading to painfully repetitive gameplay. Besides a half-decent plane level, Call of Duty: Roads to Victory sets you on same-old, single-track shooting galleries, broken up with "you did it" splash screens where the game wags a finger at you for being too slow and firing too many stray bullets.

Roads to Victory sadly lives up to its name in about every negative aspect I can think of. More like Railroads to Victory amirite!?

Reviewed on Jul 29, 2022
