Log Status






Time Played

2h 25m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

January 2, 2022

First played

January 1, 2022

Platforms Played


Episode Ignis is the fourth piece of DLC for FFXV if you include Comrades, and follows Ignis during Noctis' attempt to complete the rites with Leviathan during the 3/4 part of the main story. There isn't a lot to say about the story as it would spoil a ton of interesting things that I think are very cool to experience on your own. All I will say is that this DLC adds an alternate ending which attempts to set up a new story line that would've continued in Episode Ardyn if it wasn't scrapped, and while I heard a ton of people saying it was a really good alternate ending, I feel like I have to respectfully disagree as it kind of contradicts the entire theming and messaging of the original base game as a cheap attempt to give fans what they think they want. Thankfully there is a true main ending which in my opinion is just as if not more epic than the alternate ending which gives you more appreciation for Ignis as a character than any other part of the story. The combat sees you use Ignis' daggers as they are imbued with elemental magic, each one allowing for different play styles such as speed, strength and balance. You are able to pull of some crazy combos if you switch between styles during the middle of battle which felt insanely satisfying. And for a considerable portion of the DLC you are able to zip around the city of Altissia with a grapple hook. It almost feels like Spider-Man which I really enjoyed. Overall Episode Ignis is the best DLC of the original line up and is an absolute must play if you revisit FFXV, or are playing for the first time.