What a truly stunning game. Everything just flows so seamlessly together with the narrative and gameplay. It's the go to example when talking about diegetic UI and for good reason, it's the only game I can think of that employs it so naturally. The game's atmosphere is so oppressive, knowing that no matter where you run to or hide you can't leave the ship, knowing you're trapped for the whole game adds so much tension. The creature design is so very obviously Resident Evil (4 mainly) inspired but it works really well for this game. The story itself is really intriguing and not knowing exactly what the necromorphs are makes each encounter unique because you never know what to expect, there's so much enemy variety. Horror games are known for their combat but this game uses it in such a unique way with the reliance on dismemberment requiring at least some level of skill. I just love sci-fi and Dead Space mixes sci-fi and horror expertly.

Reviewed on Mar 30, 2024
