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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

April 12, 2023

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


I seem to be in the minority that truly loved Ghostwire Tokyo. I thought the main game was a lot of fun. I genuinely enjoyed getting 100% and the platinum trophy in the main game. I was excited when they announced new content. Unfortunately, after 10+ hours of playing, I'm just not enjoying this gauntlet style gameplay mode. I'll admit I play games to have fun and overcome enjoyable challenges, not to pull my hair out in frustration. I don't get into Souls-like games because I just don't find them enjoyable experiences. And while this game mode is not to the same level as a Souls game, it did center on a lot of the qualities that make those games unappealing to me.

I'll probably pick it up and play it a little here and there, but I doubt I'll ever bother finishing Spider's Thread. Despite that, I do still hope for a proper sequel to Ghostwire Tokyo.