This game would be S tier if it had good gameplay.
One of the better stories in Kingdom Hearts since you play as Roxas, one of the best characters in the series. Watching him start as a zombie and becoming more human through his dynamic with Axel and Xion is heartwarming to watch. This also serves to make the last few hours all the more tragic because Roxas loses his friends and control over what he can do in the Organization because of other shit happening in Kingdom Hearts that's just completely out of his control. It's a bittersweet feeling, watching this one kid learn the beauty of a relaxing life and then having that taken away from him so forcibly.
As much as I like the story however, the gameplay of Days is not that great. Its combat, though it has some neat perks here and there, is one of the weaker systems in the series. And the missions usually have you do some basic and menial shit in these Disney worlds. There is an insane part of me that enjoys the idea of this structure since it lets you know that working for the organization is just a soulless 9/5. But I still would have preferred it if the game made the missions more interesting or least had combat similar to Re:Coded (which is spectacular btw).
I know it'll probably never happen, but I need this game to have an actual remake. This game deserves another chance along with much better gameplay and mission structure more befitting of the franchise. The Days cutscene compilation you see in KH collections is cool, but it doesn't give the story proper justice. Roxas's story isn't just something you can watch a cutscene movie on to get the full, nuanced experience. It is a game you have to play for yourself on the DS.
But if you don't have the patience for its mission structure, I suggest reading the Days manga. That adaptation goes hard.

Reviewed on Aug 25, 2023
