1 review liked by OldManEyes

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Game where you have to identify the path forward using maps? Great! But sadly, this was more like: Game where you have to identify the path forward using maps-- oh no you missed a map so now you have to backtrack and there are characters apparently but you haven't actually run into more than one and he wasn't useful in the slightest and you swear that you've climbed this cave before and, yep, you have, you're going round in circles and the protagonist is now berating herself because there's a soft time limit on navigating this terrain and you're taking too long and you just fell to the bottom of the climb again and the day is over and there's nowhere to sleep so you're just going to lose health tonight before you climb your way through this cave for the third time. Time for a jaunty tune that you've heard three times while you jump across this plain again since you're not sure if you need to go to the left or right side of it and you keep running into dead ends! Oh and while you want to interact with this signpost that'll let you cross to another path, the protagonist just launched into an anecdote so you'll have to wait until she finishes.

Sorry for the vent, a small title like this doesn't deserve it - especially one that's so earnest and inspired and doubly so when I may have just been an idiot and missed something obvious. But the pitch of open-ended navigation by identifying the path forward on maps sounded like something right up my alley. I love that shit! And with a great visual style, great music and some fun writing in Scottish accents? Everything sounded perfect to me, so I can't help but feel incredibly frustrated with my experience of it. I feel like I'd have more patience if it wasn't for the soft time limit. Initially I was taking my time, exploring the world, but then the protagonist started talking about how I was taking too long and wouldn't make it to the lighthouse in time so I started rushing and getting stressed out by how few relevant maps I was finding. Maybe I'll give this a few years and come back to it with a fresh perspective and love it.