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15h 48m

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April 3, 2024

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March 30, 2024

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Ditto my last reviews, I don't typically play VNs + modded to use console sprites etc

I also started to use the voice acting after being reccomened to, and damm is the VA good. Satokos Voice actor is amazing especially, though everyones pretty good.

I quite liked the previous chapters though I do understand why everyone I've seen talk about the game (Which isn't THAT many too be fair, but like still I've talked to a few people who said it) say that this is where it gets good. I defintley wouldn't say the first 2 chapters like some people but this chapter is on another level compared to the first two.

I do prefer the atmosphere of Chapter 1 because I really loved the feelings of Keiichi being alone completely with no one and just being alienated compltely from the village, because at least in both chapter 2 & 3 Keiichis had some people to turn to, wether it be Rena in Ch2 or basically everyone in Ch3 disregarding like the last 2 episodes or so. But just because it's different doesn't mean its bad of course, I also gotta say theres some neat chapter 1 parreles in this chapter as well, with Ooshis role being compltely reveresed which is kinda like Keiichis becoming more a resident of Hinazawa? at least thats how I'm seeing it, especially with how he reacts upon first seeing Ooshi (which I'll mention my thoughts on in a sec) and theres also what Satoko says near the end is basically what Keiichi says in Chapter 1 about being possesed or whatever, which I mean does seem to be what's happening but the stuff she says was really reminding me of Keiichis own thoughts in Chapter 1. Also Shion being here is kinda funny, like they just felt they needed to because she has like 1 tip and 5 mins of dialogue, I really like Shion so I ain't complaing but it just kinda felt forced to have Shion be there. And finally the stuff with Keiichis "doppleganger"? or the ghost thing that's been appearing basically doing a combination of what happened in Ch1 & 2 at the festival is interesting though idk what it means I did notice that it was the events of both chapters combined there, just if Keiichi turned Shion down instead?.

Anyway, the story here is by far the best so far, and I gotta say this game did a great job at making me feel sick, I've never played something that made me physicaly feel sick before, so good job Higurashi!, but yeah the scene when Keiichi pats Satoko on the head and then that whole incident ensues honestly made me feel sick, which proabbly Satokos VA work played a big part because she does a very very good job at screaming and crying in that way. Though I do also have to say all the tension and sickness I felt was instantly gone when Keiichi went into edgelord mode, not that I hated the scene there or anything but the music that plays and Keiichis giving "permision to live" made me chuckle a tiny bit.

I really enjoyed seeing Keiichis desent into becoming a murderer here as well, as weird as it is to say I really enjoyed Keiichi whole murder plalnning and carrying it out, it was super well written and now I too can feel like a murderer, which I mean I still don't know if Keiichi even techincally is, but like he has to be. idk what was up with his curse powers at the end but I'm pretty sure he did all that. So far I'm on the curse side with a hint of people but mostly curse.

Also this chapter made me care way more for Satoko considering out of the whole cast she was defintley the one I cared the least amount, doesn't help that she isn't in most of the second half of either Chapter 1 or 2 but here despite also not really being in the second half either, she is still the focus (mostly untill Keiichi goes of the rails) and I actually quite like her now. Coach I'm still kinda iffy on, mostly because he said some fucked up stuff at that BBQ, but I kinda like him apart from that. Oh and speaking of swearing actually, I gotta say I don't know why but everytime Keiichi swears it always makes me chuckle I don't really know why, that despite just reading for like the past 20 minutes of Keiichis brutally killing a man and burrying the body I was still taken aback to hear him say fuck. Maybe just because you rarely see anyone swear idk.

Final rough thoughts, first of all I gotta say I know this is meant to be in the 80s but like honestly I kinda forget sometimes, which is mostly due to the backgrounds partially if only because some of then very much feature things that didn't exist in the 80s like a actual N64 or like TVs that very clearly are from like the late 90s or 2000s but oh well. I guess it does play a part with the whole phone thing as well.

Obligatory mention of how ass the Steam sprites are.

And yeah real good chapter, as always cast review section is great because it's the most severe tonal whiplash you can be hit with, and it's also just pretty funny. I really didn't think I would give a 5 star rating at only chapter 3 but damm this chapter was good, it truly is peak.

EDIT: oh yeah I forgot to mention my thoughts on Ooshi stuff, I did say in my ch1 review if this would be a timeloop or something since Keiichi you know died there and I was wondering how he could come back and then I kinda was like ah no becuase of chapter 2 but here I'm thinking maybe again, because like Keiichis thouhgts on Ooshi especially, like he instantly sees him as hostile and a threat very much like everyone else in Hinazawa and just some of the writing there especially is giving more credit to this idea in my mind, I'll see but I really don't know what the limits are here I really don't know how crazy the story'll get but like it's already gotten pretty crazy. Also the chapters steadly seem to be going forward in time, with like stuff like the toy store and Curry thing already happening in this chapter while still being a bit differnt seem to have played out the same, anyway yeah I forogot to mention my thoughts here, though also it's just more rambiling, but I've really been enjoying Higurashi so I gotta alot of thoughts

EDIT2: oh snap I also forgot to say that the Music in this chapter was crazy good, like really good. Especialy the song that plays at the end the Lies lies lies lies one, no name as good as fascism here but god the ost was so good. Anyway now that should be all my thoughts. maybe. if not oh well because I'm sure I'll be writing my Ch4 review soon enough