Much worse than the last game, IMO. It reverted back to classic RTS systems, ditching the squad play that i really liked from the second game. If you enjoy a more regular RTS experience than this could probably an OK game, but if you are a fan of Company of Heroes and Dawn of War II, it's not worth it.

I played this game as my entry point to both Dawn of War and Warhammer 40k and also coming on the heels of playing Company of Heroes, this was pretty much my thing at the time. The squad gameplay was refreshing considering most RTS games available at the time.

Speedrunning this game is truly fun

Feels like a worse version of Core Keeper, or Core Keeper is a better version of this, don't know which came first.

It was quite a fun little mmorpg back then (not as massive given the time), but its not very good by today's standards as its clunky, point and click gameplay, the interface is very old school with none of the quality of life things we are used to in modern MMOs. As I can tell there are still servers for this game and it has received updates over the years so things might be different. Interesting play for those wanting a peek on older MMOs.

I went in really hyped, maybe this could be a game to grab that Ragnarok Online feel and hook me in, but it's just too grindy, the classes were really unbalanced and, given the amount of possible upgrade classes the game advertised, ended up with just one or two real possibilities per class combinations. Combat is kinda fun, visuals are pleasing, but it's just not for me, unfortunately.