This is such a baffling, weird entry in the Destiny franchise. Gameplay, soundtrack, art, QoL changes and additions- everything is on point! Except for the narrative...

It's especially baffling since the narrative and overall story writing has been extremely consistent and pretty damn good for quite a while, since around Season of the Chosen and even elements of Arrivals/Beyond Light + Hunt. But the penultimate expansion of this saga is such a poor, unlucky place to suddenly have a misstep. And it's even more maddening because there are elements of the writing in THIS VERY EXPANSION that has great depth and potential for future build-ups. But the main campaign; the part of the story that everyone who is playing this DLC and is interested enough in the story is gonna focus on, is somehow drastically fumbled. Which just stinks to see. Hopefully is made up for with consistent quality of writing with the content drops leading into Final Shape.

It's been hard to think about a game like Destiny 1/2 through critical lenses in comparison to other games that I've played and have touched me in some meaningful way. With how live-service works, a franchise like this is going to have constant fluctuations in quality and whatnot, changing one's view on it at the drop of a dime. Never really thought I could give a content drop in this series a 10 outta 10, 5 outta 5, whatever- even if it is the best the series has presented up to that point, and I always appreciate the good qualities put in with each release by the clearly passionate devs, cause it just hasn't had the consistency and that big meaningful aspect to it that so many of my other ranked 10s have. But I think that changes with The Final Shape.

I've never really had Destiny be considered one of my favorite games, in regard to what clearly influences me and feels like a solid 9 or 10. But it is clearly the game franchise I have spent the most time with, more than any other. And sure, that probably has to do with the nature of these kinda games, which is why I kinda barred it off from standing amongst my greats. That is unfair. This game has influenced me in so many ways, given me a consistent outlet to play with friends, overcome some anxieties and join a community and make new ones, create big moments and discussions for us all to remember and share. I know this is the case for many others. And The Final Shape, despite the inconsistencies this franchise has had throughout its whole existence, even as recently as one of its biggest missteps being the expansion immediately before this one, manages to land on its feet in just about every aspect (music, art and visuals- as always, the characters and writing, gameplay) and deliver some of the biggest moments, especially with its final mission- where it delivered an emotional satisfaction that I never expected to feel for myself even after nearly a full decade of playing through every piece of content Bungie has put out with this title come September.

Despite everything, Bungie managed to make it all feel so much more worth it than I could have imagined. I don't quite know what the further future holds for me and this series, but whatever it may be I am thankful for all the memories that have spanned over the past decade that I will always remember.