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Opti reviewed Escape Velocity: Override
I admit that this isn't usually the type of game that I seek out but the escape velocity series' deep attachment to the late 90's mac shareware scene made me obligated to play it at some point and it's surprisingly pretty brilliant. Arcade-y space combat mixed with trading and exploration that despite being somewhat repetitive is more than interesting enough in execution to keep me playing. Tons of quest lines

While I haven't gotten nearly as far in it I think I may prefer this game to it's sequel, EV Nova, because of how much more open ended it is, this is a legit sandbox game in how hands-off it's approach to teaching you mechanics and feeding you lore is, where Nova has a bad habit of forcing you into specific quest lines and RNG scenarios that leave a lot to be desired.

EV Override is fun, compelling and incredibly unique, it's also completely abandonware these days and runs on everything thanks to fans keeping these games functional on modern Windows and Mac. So go play it if it sounds interesting to you.

12 days ago

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