3 reviews liked by Orbulon

society if people realized partners in time was good

Excellently crafted game from start to finish. The challenge slowly increases, there are very little unfair sections. Each world has an abundance of things to collect, all well hidden, it tests your knowledge of the level. Nothing you collect is wasted, for you need Notes to Open Note Doors; Jiggies to Unlock new worlds; New Moves to access new places and get around quicker; Mumbo tokens for transformations, and upgrades. The camera is, not the best, but it's not the worst either, it's good for it's time. The game's got a lot of charm, and it's got great humor, for both kids and adults. Each character is fully fleshed out and have a ton of personality, you will end up liking them all.

Probably my gold standard for post-PC Engine platformers. Dizzyingly complex, in essence a momentum-compensation game that never condescends or holds your hand. Gorgeous, confident design. Blindingly racist, it's intolerable that both the remake and the new sequel do nothing to offset that. Unacceptable then and now.

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