I think this part of Final Fantasy if not the best, but one of the best. Story is full of different events, from some fairy tale, to very depressive, yet one of them can be avoided. This game is a great example for shoving sometimes dark and depressind story with so simple graphics.

Combat is good due to all 14 playable characters. Some of them is unlockable if explore Narsche and location from second part of game. Each character have individual special command, Edgar have mechanical weapons, unbreakable and not consuming anything. Also has a secret with chainsaw in Zozo location. One character here can mimic literally every attack. For example if you want to use summon of some character and want mimic guy(or girl, its unknown) to repeat that attack, just choose character you want to mimic first. Sabin have strong martial arts and even can strike powerful unique atack with ~1/16 rate in critical situation. Shadow has powerful throw attacks, ye he complicated to recruit, but it worth it.

Some optional content also exists here, some magicite, some optional party members. Even some optional bosses.

I have been returning to this game periodically for 2 years, partially completing it. I own 2 steam versions(yes old with shitty graphics) and that pixel remaster. And this game won't maked me to abandon it or disappoint in some way.

So I gonna say that FF 6 is a my personal masterpiece, as a jrpg and just as game.

This review contains spoilers

My first completed jrpg. All in all it's not bad and even underrated. I tested in ps2 and game cube versions. On GameCube completed ~3(+-1) times.

PS2 just have worse graphics and MMX8 demo.
GameCube has more smooth graphics, and using of game boy advance for finding treasure tokens, for extra figures, petty but nice.

Story takes place in one place, instead of several places all over world. And didn't have any mention of Sigma at all.

Game has some secret things like Ultimate Armor and Absolute Zero, some extra and post-game content, like action figures, concept art and holographic scarfs for X.

OST is very good, even memorable, from boss fights to even save state theme or sky room.

Battles is not so hard, like in some SaGa or Final Fantasy games. Battle system is classic turn-based, with sort of minigames at character's action trigger(super attack).

Well if you think that this "game" is good in any way, try playing some real games. Any jrpg will be better in story and waifus, any survival game will be better in craft, some TES, Fallout(not 76 ofc) will be better in terms of open world. Any crpg(Divinity, Pathfinder etc.) will be better in terms of dialog choises.
hoyo gachas is not games, hoyo fans is not a gamers.
Worthless waste of time.

A masterpiece
In age when most AAA games are boring and going worse every year, milking degen trends. Yet indie games is not for everyone or can't fit for everyone tastes (saying this as one who like platformers since childhood).
But this game is one of best of all time, honestly. This game can generate worlds where even small guinea pig has well written personality(more interesting than whinning Sony characters). Itself DF is a simulation of a big fantasy world with own cities, civilizations, monsters, climate zones and...Hard to say how much here existing, from game mechanics to events, that caused mostly by creatures and player actions. Even game menus show a lot things to manage, build, law, farm, military things, but it also not close to everything that game offers.
And this game begin developing just by two brothers.
I gonna say that this developers is a true geniuses.

Even gonna add, that this game is a rare example when I wan to play also cause graphics, yes ascii(vanilla) style is quite interesing in my opinion.