Boring game that doesn't deserve your time time unless you have couple of friends you can play with, but even then there are better games that you could play than this unoptimized respawning simulator.

Almost a perfect sequel that improves on many things from the original, which was already a fantastic platformer game that still holds up to this day. One thing that the original does better is the story overall, but that by no means Klonoa 2's story is not good or anything, thematically it was still quite excellent, but I thought the og had more impact. Luckily, in everything else, I found this to be an improvement over the original.

Missions were solid all around, I didn't had any problem with them. Snowboard missions were a nice touch that spiced up the gameplay with a much needed variety and I thought it was really fun. Kingdom of Sorrow mission was a highlight for me, because of the atmosphere and that goddamn soundtrack... it was just perfect.

This is undoubtedly my favourite platformer game.

A fun bite-sized game that's perfect for unwinding. Remember only good goblin is a dead goblin so get to chopping

One of the best RGG game in terms of story. Sadly, everything else leaves a lot to be desired.

As someone who was really dissapointed with Yakuza 6, I can confidently say this is a much better game. Everything here was better than yakuza 6, whatever It will be the story or the gameplay. In fact, I would even go far as say this is the best yakuza game since 0, which is my favorite in the entire series.

Story and characters here are really strong, I liked all the characters in this game, which is rare for a yakuza game. Mini games and substories were still wonderful, although yakuza 0 still takes the cake when it comes to substories.

New fighthing style for kiryu was really unexpected but holy shit, he literally becomes batman with it, its just way too cool, I'm glad they added it, It sparked up the gameplay very nicely. Also, final boss in this game is one of the best, everything about it was just kino.

Last few scenes in this game will always stick with me, I never though I would cry this hard for a yakuza game but here we are, It really solidifed my love for kiryu and his journey.

Ghostrunner 2 is more of the same which is pretty good, considering I really liked the first game. But, some of my complaints from the first game are still here, and some of the stuff is a setback compared to the first game (OST was weaker compared to the first game, I can't remember any memorable track from this game).

I liked the addition of some cool new mechanics, but they took too long to introduce them to you, only when you're very close to finishing the game that you get these things, that was really dissapointing. Bike mission was cool, especially the boss.

Overall, if you liked the first game, you're going to like this game too. But this doesn't really feel like a sequel, if I'm being honest. Anyway, I had a great time with ghostrunner 2.

Abysmal fiction. Definitely the worst JRPG I've played, I hate the cast in this with a passion.

Crazy to think that this passes as a finished game these days. Unpolished game that has way too many issues, and stuff that works is just not interesting enough. You'll have fun if you have a couple of friends to play with, but it's nothing special.

If you can't find solace in heaven, look me up in the Wire. I might even give you a little kiss.

Unique and beautiful RPG that is made with love and it really shows in every detail; The whole game is overflowing with soul and passion.

I still have a lot of things to do in the game, but the missions are really repetitive and boring in general. I wish there were more variety in the game. I don't like how restrictive it is, most of my builds just feel the same.

It's fun to play with a couple of friends but I don't see myself playing this solo.

Majikoi has my favourite common route out of all the VNs I've read. kazama squad hanging out in their secret base is kino.

Coda routes destroyed my life.