23 Reviews liked by OrpheusD

If you've even heard about Dramatical Murder, chances are you've seen nothing but people talking about problematic and questionable things. Well, what if I tell you that's just a propaganda made by people who only saw (not so good) anime adaption or have played it, but somehow fell asleep during Ren route.

Yes, it has very disturbing scenes, but those are bad endings (that you don't even don't have to get). But all that makes sense, because it's made by fucking Nitro+chiral. They made other BL visual novels that are even more disturbing. DMMD is literally vanilla compared to their other series.

Ren route is absurd as fuck, no doubt it. But it's really not disgusting as some claim it. I mean Euphoria and Saya no Uta (which I like, mind you) are much more absurd and disgusting. So if you can play and enjoy those games, I don't see why would you shit DMMD for being ''weird''.

But not even surprised, because we all know that anything that is joseimuke will get more shit than other media that is targeted towards male audience.

Anyway, DMMD is a goddamn great BL visual novel. Hell, you can remove BL themes and you would still have very solid visual novel.
There is so much about it that is so good. The character design, the storytelling, the world building, the romance, the fucking soundtrack, just everything about it is well done and unique.
They literally didn't had to go this hard, but they did. God bless Nitro+chiral for making this. I'm sure that future releases will be much well written, but honestly nothing is gonna beat DMMD to me.

Also, Koujaku and Ren are the best boys!!!

somehow still occupying space in my brain in our lord's year of 2023. someone with an aoba tattoo ghosted me

one little blue guy sucks and fucks his way to the top

Where dwells the wind that scatters the flowers?

How can one write something this distant yet close to their supposed one and only magnum opus. Hanachirasu is an amazing love letter to swordsmanship and samurai fiction as a whole, while still being fresh and interesting. I only could wish that this was longer but for something written in a short time just to promote the 'big one' this is incredible.

And not only the writing is insane. The soundtrack is the best in the whole medium and the art is is arguably better than the Muramasa

I'm amazed yet still sad over on how someone this good at writing exists but won't pick their brush ever again.

very visceral and compellingly described swordfights. the central rivalry comes to incredibly satisfying conclusion. nothing amazing-amazing, but definitely worth checking out if it intrigues you. short, but punchy.

and actually definitely really a yaoi.

i'm gonna steal something from urobutchi's goddamn house

father kotomine you rocked my world

One must imagine the crooked man happy

Come for the horror, stay for the story. A great example of tasteful use of jumpscares.

i got crooked after playing this

I love being a hater actually. I love hating this game ^_^