Definitely one of the better LEGO games. It's the classic formula put into an open world. The concept works really well, the city is fun to explore with A LOT of tasks and collectibles. Missions are similiar to the other LEGO games with self contained levels and the humor is really fun. It's pretty much what you'd expect from a LEGO game with all the strengths and weaknesses. A little bit too repetitive to give it a higher rating (since all the puzzles basically repeat themselves) but I'd definitely recommend it!

It starts well and gets progressively worse. I really liked it in the beginning but the more you progress, the more uninspired it gets. Enemies always repeat themselves and the level design becomes frustratingly bad to the point where it just isn't fun anymore. Difficulty also increases a lot and it becomes really hard but not in a fun way. It's a great example of bad level design. The soundtrack is also more annoying than anything. Kinda sad since I like the design of Mr. Nutz as a platformer mascot.

I was pleasantly surprised by Pulseman. They really got it right with this one. Graphics look amazing for the time, gameplay is really fun with a lot of unique mechanics. I just love the soundtrack and the trippy visuals. It's just too short honestly and maybe slightly too easy which also makes it over too fast.

A rought start to the series. It already has a lot of the elements that make the series so great but doesn't execute them well yet. The first Mega Man is honestly not a good game. Platforming and gameplay feel janky, enemy designs are lazy and just annoying which makes the whole game difficult in a way that just isn't fun. At least the soundtrack is already great!
It will only get better from here.