I got two months of gameplay out of this game. Just seemed like I kept finding more and more to do and see, and I got addicted to it. Even if the end goal was a tiny treasure chest, I still had my fun making my way to that chest.

BotW really put itself up there as one of my favorite Zelda games, and I'm happy this was more with tons of new things added in.

This is how open world games should be. I mean, they even made climbing towers to scan the map fun. More games should take steps into making things just fun to do? Crazy idea.

Weapon durability still sucks and I wish Nintendo would have made them last at least a dozen more hits or so? They do seem to break very fast and I never liked that in games.

TLDR: This will be a game I remember for a long, long time.

Reviewed on Sep 25, 2023
