I'm marking this game as complete, but this is because I finished the world tour mode and I feel like I've conquered enough of the game to drop a quick review.

This is by far the best Street Fighter I have ever got into from the start. I'm very on and off again with the franchise, but SF6 is near perfect. The game has only crashed on me once, which for a modern video game, is better than most. Sad enough to say.

Online works so incredibly well. I have played hours with friends and we have not encountered one disconnect, one hang up, or lag out. It's also been so much fun to learn characters while fighting in the battlehub.

I'm very casual when it comes to online fighting, but even having really good players kick my ass is just a joy. I've talked to everyone I've fought, and so far, I haven't encountered anyone who mocked my lack of skill. I have even won a few matches against people who are clearly better than me.

World tour mode is a goofy, fun time. I loved running around, punching people, talking to the masters, and the texts they send.

I'm pretty sure SF6 will be a game in my rotation for game nights with friends for a very long time. I'm very impressed with what Capcom has put out this time.

I still have hang ups with monetization and I really hate battle passes being in games that I pay for. But that's it. This is a good game however.

Reviewed on Jul 09, 2023
