A fun little Kirby game with plenty to do! It's easy to see how this could feel disappointing after Forgotten Land, but this is a pretty solid game in its own right.

The visuals are very pleasant and a nice boost over the Wii original. Gameplay is what you'd expect from a 2D Kirby game, solid but not phenomenal. The story gets the job done, it doesn't do anything new but that's fine.

There's a good amount of side content here, like with most Kirby games. The Magolor epilogue is a unique take on Kirby gameplay (spoilers: you play as Magalor), where you get to level up abilities over time.

Merry Magoland is...fine. Mostly seems like multi-player versions of the games you can already access during the Main story in Magolor's ship.

Overall, a good little package. Whether its worth the full $60 is up to you.

Reviewed on Feb 27, 2023
