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With 1.0 this game is more content rich than ever, with said content being wonderful to go through. The only issues I have with the game in it's current state is the absolutely ridiculous suspect A.I., and S rank requirements.
Them being able to track you through walls, react at inhuman speeds, and not be subdued by literal bullets, makes fighting them a pain without a mod. Bouncing off of that, the only strategy to getting the highest rank is to use the beanbag shotgun and tear gas. Locking the players to a single build is horrible. It does not help that there are other non-lethal weapons, it's just that the beanbag shotgun is - for some fucking reason - like god's fist, making anyone surrender instantly and in general being the most over powered weapon in the game. You can completely forego strategy and just waltz in blasting people with this gun.
Besides those 2 horrible things, the only other issues I have are nitpicks. The mod menu needs some fixing, and having an option to remove film grain would be nice.

Absolutely masterful use of the VR medium to make the most satisfying gunplay ever. Only missing some basic features (volume adjustment, wrist menu positioning, etc.)