Suspend your disbelief for a moment, and imagine if someone came to you with a revolutionary new idea: eating food. They sell you on the concept with the promise of wonderful vitamins and nutrients and tastes that'll please your various taste buds. You're excited to try it, on the frontier of a new dawn, and then they give you the first food ever: a rock. After trying it, I don't know about you guys, but I would've beat the budding visionary senseless and concluded that eating food was a fool's endeavor.

It's kind of like that with Pong. We are so lucky that they didn't just scrap the entire concept of video games after this garbage came out. Yeah yeah it was a different time and they didn't have the same capabilities blah blah blah. Don't care, this game is terrible. It's so boring that scientists probably distilled it's essence for use as one of the main ingredients of Nyquil.

But on the other hand, god bless the individuals that saw potential in this mind-numbing snoozefest, and saw that video games could be bigger, better, and more imaginative than scuffed table tennis. Without them, we wouldn't have Valkyrie Profile.

Reviewed on Apr 06, 2021


3 years ago

filtered, yet.............................. based

3 years ago

I'm thinkin based