watched my friend play this, but it's a vn so that basically means i played it

overall it was quite a dreadful, pathetic experience. came off to me as serial experiments lain but without any of the interesting stuff and catered solely to people with profound mental illness. alas, the extent of my """neurodivergence""" is playing shmups, so i'm afraid there's nothing but pity for me to feel in response to the author's traumadumping.

would highly recommend if hanging around the venting channel in a Falcom discord sounds like fun to you. MC was cute though; I could fix her.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2022


2 years ago

no u definitely messed up in the head my guy

2 years ago

I am a completely normal individual that could even be entrusted with the lives of others.

2 years ago

This comment was deleted

2 years ago
