This game has completely captivated my attention, causing me to lose track of time and neglect certain aspects of my life. It's addictive, and I'm determined to find a balance in the days to come. Although I've played for around 60 hours, the intensity peaked in the last 3 days where I spent a staggering 40 hours engrossed in the gameplay, averaging around 13 hours and 20 minutes a day. Considering that I allocate 8 hours for sleep, I had a remaining 16 hours for other activities, yet I found myself dedicating most of that time to this game, around 13 hours and 20 minutes daily.

Admittedly, a few of those hours were due to occasionally leaving the game running while multitasking, estimating a maximum of 4 hours or roughly 1 hour and 20 minutes of AFK time per day. This means I spent about 12 hours a day actively playing.

The game itself revolves around managing an adorable slime farm, providing a casual gaming experience. I genuinely recommend it, but I implore you not to devote half of your day to it. Find a healthy balance and enjoy the game responsibly