Dream Diary Entry #1
I dreamt that I was on a train. Feeling the rickety rhythms beneath me, wooden clacking & all, I had noticed the figure in the adjacent seat was a mirrored image of me. A perfect replica of myself save for a noticeable clubbed foot. Other passengers walked by, blocking the sight of this doppelganger with their stoic faces but perpetually twisting bodies; shifting between worlds. My doppelganger managed to pass a book through the river of bodies to my hand, & I swiftly opened it to read of gender divides, identity crises, sensation in music, discriminations against the "other", a crumbling society living amongst rotted wood left to perish, & an illustration of a lone fisherman. Running my forefinger across the page resulted in a static shock throughout my body along with the train coming to an abrupt stop.

Dream Diary Entry #2
I had that dream again.

Reviewed on Oct 04, 2021
