1 Review liked by PajamaZam

I think it's fair to say that if you don't like Uncharted 2, you just don't really enjoy cinematic-style gaming that much. Among Thieves may have the greatest delta in quality between a video game sequel and its immediate predecessor - there are probably better examples, but this is certainly the most high-profile - and it delivers thrill after thrill for its entire runtime. Its reputation as an all-time great game has led to some backlash in recent years. Just to be clear, this is not some great and shining example of Games as Art, and it's pretty clear that the game itself never aimed for such a lofty goal. This is a video game that's trying its absolute best to emulate a certain style of blockbuster cinema - even down to the pithy, too-clever quips - and it absolutely succeeds in the execution. That's really the bottom line. That final boss fight really, really sucks though, especially on the hardest difficulty.