+the controls are much more natural than most platformers of the day: mickey has enough weight so that he doesn't stop on a dime, but still feels very controllable with animations that convey his jump arc well a la the modern dkc games
+I like the muted atmosphere to this game. you can definitely tell this is in the very early days of licensed disney games, as virtually nothing about this game has anything to do with disney beyond mickey, minnie, and the design of the villainous witch who traps minnie. as such, the game feels almost like a wholly original sega platformer reskinned to have a license, and the levels of the castle feel surreal and unsettling in an odd way. the excellent use of parallax and the cool colors create this effect for sure
+mickey is pretty much invulnerable when he's bouncing (a bit like scrooge mcduck's walking stick) and you get a lot of height when bouncing off an enemy. the levels are laid out in such a way that it becomes easy to bounce off multiple in a row to get to secret areas and alternate paths
+this is a little more aimed at kids so the difficulty is more reasonable today than many of the more "hardcore" games of this era. still not an easy game but much more approachable than other '90 action titles
+really great animation here. the designs are a little off compared to later disney titles, but once it's in motion it feels very disney, very expressive

-instadeath pits in later levels, usually hidden off-screen in such a way that you may not realize you're about to fall in one
-level variety is a little lacking, partially because the game is so short. also a little odd that there's 7 gems but only 5 levels, would not be surprised if cuts had to be made. I'd also say the themes in general feel a little generic; not all the time, but for some of the rooms there's not much going on
-the gameplay is def solid but there's not really a lot going on, since all mickey can do is bounce and throw projectiles a la shinobi. wouldn't say the stage gimmicks are particularly interesting either
-there's a swinging mechanic and the way it scrolls the screen is incredibly choppy. just unpolished I suppose

very solid action platformer for the genesis, and an early title that won people over to the genesis pre-sonic and price cut. this probably would've been a game I loved as a kid thanks to its simplicity and tight controls.

Reviewed on Apr 02, 2021
