+combat is so so cool. sora can finally pull off crazy stunts even without the high-level abilities
+presentation overall has taken a big step up from kh1. a good demonstration of how far games came in the ps2 generation
+gummi missions are way cooler and less boring (tho I certainly can't be bothered to replay them)
+timeless river (the classic cartoon world) owns. port royal and space paranoids are inspired picks as well
+the bosses have taken a big leap forward in both creativity and complexity. a nice 50-50 split between gimmicky minigame bosses and more taxing bosses that require studying patterns and timing attacks
+the payoff is rewarding for those who have kept up with the story
+drive forms let sora go completely nuts for a little bit, especially in master and final forms towards the end of the game
+major increase in the amount of abilities, summons, limits, etc. to provide options in combat
+disney worlds are so much easier to navigate than in the first game
+overall difficulty is scaled much better this time around (sans a certain FM endgame addition that was rather annoying)

-the story is poorly paced. there's three big plot dumps in the beginning, midpoint, and end, with about 20 hours of fluff between it all
-disney worlds have little to do with the plot, and many of them have a mandatory second episode. this is probably the biggest hurdle in the game. these worlds wear out their welcome so fast
-mobility techniques are locked behind leveling up each drive form, which is an extremely arduous task even with exploits
-much of the post-game content is tied to the mobility tech I just mentioned. again, grinding the drive forms is boring
-the story must have been incomprehensible at launch. 358/2 days clears it up quite a bit, but this game really fails to explain what is going on at several key points

overall enjoyment is going to depend on how much you can stomach the second run of each world + the plot dumps. I could't put this game down for the first half, and then had to push myself to clean up all of the second runs and finish it off. thankfully there's enough enjoyment to be had in watching sora flip all over the place to warrant making it to the final credits.