shocked by how into this I am despite it overtly representing like 800 simultaneous trending references and roguelikes not being a thing I typically enjoy at all! The scott/villeneuve style trappings are obvious but they're cleverly wielded to convey a story through refreshingly non-cinematic means, and so much of the housemarque soul is still present here. The playfeel is stellar--the dualsense and sound integration especially--and the grueling pointillist combat is reactive and wondrous in a resogun meets nier meets furi kinda way. The punitive precision and masochistic self-empowerment systems (parasites, malignancies) feel so synchronous with the game's themes about delusions of potentiality and the horror of being trapped within a losing conversation with yourself. The whole "the location is its own character" thing is so pat and tritely overused as an assessment at this point but uh... it kind of is tho and i really like it!!! I haven't finished yet and honestly don't think you're even intended to in order for the experience to meaningfully land; the whole notion of "seeing it all" as a means of understanding game messaging is so parochial and rooted in other mediums and their histories, and an especially odd cudgel to use against Returnal when frustration, obfuscation, and defeat are all integral ideas being directly explored in it!!! I will be genuinely kind of disappointed if the ending brings any semblance of traditional closure. Selene is a wonderful and subtly articulated character and the experience feels much more like a portrait rather than a journey. More cagey, damaged middle aged ladies in games plz, i love a smooth altruistic jrpg teen but it is really nice to get to excavate a thorny character who already comes with so much baggage and life experience!!!!!!!

repression is the most grueling form of labor / regret murders our potential selves

i am vast; i contain malignancies!!!!!!

Reviewed on May 19, 2021


2 years ago

Housemarque dont miss
so i completed the main game/did the act 3 stuff (which to my knowledge wraps up the showier plot content, datalog/database completion excluded, although those are VERY cool and i love how easily missed their import is). I'm very happy with how the "conclusion" functions and allows so much space for interpretation and varied readings. Apart from the occasionally contrived delivery of some of the hammier domestic stuff I really think this is p much a masterclass up there w/ other fragmentary character studies like Silent Hill 2 / Killer7!!! Returnal allows its world to exist physically/emotively/metaphorically pretty much all at once and never resorts to pat exposited literalizations of every symbol/motif in the way so many of these stories tend to. reader, i basically loved it!!!!