Good game that could have been great. I don't get all the complaints about too much dialogue. The text moves extremely quickly so I can scan it very fast and I just think it's really well-written and often funny. Different characters have their own quirks in how they speak, like one guy constantly spouting wrongly worded phrases, or a monster that inserts silly nonsense words at regular intervals. The problem I have with the game is that it absolutely insists on never letting you figure anything out on your own. Every step of the way it is going to tell you exactly what to do, or at best it will "hint" at what you should do (the hints being completely obvious). I am constantly pleading with the game to let me think about what to do, let me be a little creative, let me feel clever, etc. It often feels like it was made for children unfortunately. This simple-mindedness extends to the combat, which is essentially impossible to fail. It also extends to the huge building projects that are in the game, in which it is basically totally unnecessary for the player to participate in building. The people in the town just build it for you. I get wanting to help the player build something so huge, but there should be the option of building it alone or with as much help as the player decides. Even with these complaints, the game is mostly a joy to play. Building up towns is extremely satisfying. The game is just enormous. It feels at times like I will never run out of things to do. I vacillate here between a 3.5 and 4 stars.

Reviewed on Feb 11, 2023
