A very good platformer with excellent music and personality seeping out of every pore. The gameplay is really tight and the badge mechanics are well fleshed out the entirety of the game. The biggest issues for me is that the game's final challenges don't really feel as monumentally brutal as others in recent Mario games, almost feeling like a cakewalk for seasoned gamers. Also, the Wonder Flower sequences are good, but they never really hit the same highs that are represented in the second level. Plus, the level design, while good, lacks a little something when looking at the bigger picture. I do truly recommend this game though, and give a huge commendation to it's integration of it's online features. Trying to impromptu cooperate with random players ghosts gave me a sense of community that was unprecedented, especially with how well it worked from an infrastructure standpoint. Really give this a play as early as you can, because no one can tell when the online playerbase will fizzle out

Reviewed on Oct 22, 2023
