What a delight the Portal fanbase is. I’m so glad there’s a community out there that not only loves Portal as much as I do, but actively makes entire games as free mods. Huge kudos to the team that made this. Their dedication and love of Portal was crawling all over this game.

As a Portal game, it was really solid. It’s impossible to hold yourself to the standard that is the masterpiece of Portal 2, but this game did a good job of maintaining the spirit of the series. Technically, it ran smoothly and I had no hiccups aside from some weird freeze lag, but I’m not sure if that was my hardware or if it was the game itself.

The puzzles were overall well designed with just the right amount of challenge. There were some that I feel as though I completed “wrongly” because I couldn’t figure out the right way, and the fact that there even was a way to cheese a puzzle is indicative of poor design, but there were only a couple of these instances. The new mechanics were also refreshing even though they weren’t utilized until the end.

The story had heart and good humor to it, though the ending left a bit to be desired. Overall, this scratched that Portal itch and I’m so grateful there are people out there making things like this. I definitely can forgive its flaws because of the fact it was a free, community made mod.


Reviewed on Jan 12, 2024
