The Last Campfire is a game about grief, depression, loneliness, and anxiety, and how to come to terms with those things. It was a game I needed right now. Its message is one I've heard before, but still a good reminder: It's okay to ask for help, and it's important to help those that ask for it.

The gameplay is Zelda-dungeon-like puzzle solving with no combat. With a few exceptions, the puzzles were generally pretty easy and I never got frustrated with any of them. They were fun though, and unique, and no two were alike.

The ending is purposely loose and open to interpretation. My interpretation is that the mysterious land you're in throughout the game is similar to purgatory. It is some kind of afterlife that the Embers reach once their lives are over. Many of them don't make it through to The Last Campfire, though, and become Forlorn, turned to stone, their souls lost. It is up to Ember to come along and help them regain their hope.

When you touch a Forlorn you hear their inner thoughts. It seemed like all of them became Forlorn when they were alone. Ember helps guide them through and reignites hope in them, allowing them a second chance at The Last Campfire.

This game was very, very sweet. It had a powerful effect on me. Asking for help is definitely something I need to do and I hope this game can help me do it.

Reviewed on Mar 15, 2023
