It's pretty disappointing that this game has a higher average rating than 2.

The game feels way less realistic than Far Cry 2, but that's what it's going for. Having your gun jam in this game would probably defeat the entire purpose of the main character's story, so I'm glad they did without it. It's very fun shooty shooty climb tower to open the map and capture outpost kind of Ubisoft game. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was the first one, and the only one that I even appreciated for it. The stealth mechanics are pretty fun, although very forgiving to mistakes, and I enjoy capturing outposts stealthily over running and gunning most times too.

I think this game nails what Crytek tried to do in the first game, it's a white male fantasy on some tropical island where you can shoot all the pirates, mercenaries and psychotic, eccentric villains you want. I really wish they were allowed to spend more time on this game because they clearly needed it. Although I love almost all gameplay aspects of this game, it was severely lacking in certain story aspects.

The angle they were going for pretty much required them to show what Jason's life was like at all before just dropping us in here. The player has experienced Jason as he is on the islands, but never beforehand, so generally the player isn't going to give a fuck about his girlfriend and friends when we've spent more time with Dennis and various other characters. Anyway that part doesn't matter as much, everyone just talks about Vaas anyway. He's a great villain, probably the greatest in the series so far as every single one following him has tried and failed to be him. Looking forward to how Giancarlo Esposito does in 6 though.

Reviewed on Nov 02, 2020
