Easily my favorite 2-D platformer. Absolutely beautiful and unique art style. Yoshis Island IMO is definitely a contender for best looking game on the SNES.

One of the things about this game that really strikes me looking back on it is just how memorable it’s levels are. I’ve played through this game twice - most recently a few years ago - and I can still remember and describe several levels and bosses like I played it yesterday. For comparison - I just finished playing Super Mario Bros. 3 for the second time yesterday and while I can remember the theming for all the different worlds I definitely couldn’t describe any levels in detail. The only exception to this is the first level but that’s only because I played it countless times trying to beat the game as a kid. In case it seems like punching down to compare this to an NES game here’s another example. When I played New Super Mario Bros for the DS a couple years ago I would have struggled to describe any levels just a couple of days after beating it (this is in spite of my enjoying the game quite a bit).

This is a bit of a scatterbrained review but if you haven’t please look up a 100% speedrun of this game. It’s one of the craziest things I’ve ever seen and really makes you appreciate how versatile and dynamic yoshi’s movement is in this game.

Would tbh recommend this game to anyone. It’s forgiving enough that a little kid or someone who’s never played a video game before could have a fun time with it but still challenging if you try to 100% all the levels.

Reviewed on Dec 17, 2023
