Tbh the first true survival horror game I’ve ever played and holy hell what an amazing introduction to the genre. Feels legitimately perfect from a gameplay perspective. Cohesive in its design to a degree I don’t think I’ve ever encountered previously. Absolutely everything - the backgrounds, the camera angles, resource scarcity, health pool, carry capacity, the save system, the crimson heads - works in concert to create an experience of constant tension and uncertainty for the player. An experience where you have to really think about every item collected, every item left behind, and every route taken because making the wrong decision means losing significant progress. RE requires the player to respect its gameplay systems and in return it respects the players intelligence and their time; deaths absolutely never feel cheap or unavoidable. Honestly worth playing just to see how well designed it is even if you - like me - don’t have a ton of interest in the survival horror genre.

Reviewed on Jan 29, 2024


4 months ago

Glad to see someone else marathonning the RE series! I agree that REmake is a masterpiece, but I implore you to check out the original RE1 as well. It may seem similar on a surface level but the two are quite different in more ways than you'd expect and they both make for unique experiences. Not to mention that RE1 is still one of the better games in the series to this day.

4 months ago

@cretinworkshop thanks for commenting! Very much enjoying the marathon. Have found myself unexpectedly charmed by the series, which has made playing through the lesser titles mostly enjoyable. Just finished RE6 and working on a review for that one, which might take a while since I feel very conflicted about that game as well as the general discourse surrounding it. Will definitely give the original RE a try at some point. Watched some gameplay videos on it after playing the REmake to get a sense of what it was like and it seems wonderfully campy and genuinely enjoyable. Definitely interested in seeing the various changes made in the REmake that I’m not yet aware of.