Some quick notes after finishing this:

Nothing special in terms of gameplay mechanics - would even go as far as to call the gameplay systems kind of boring at points - but more than makes up for it with some of the most masterfully rendered ambience I’ve seen in a game.

Truly frightening and unsettling throughout which really surprised me. Does this without relying on shocking horror imagery or jump scares but through masterfully designed environments, sound design, and oh man the camera angles in this game are so unsettling. One of the only games I’ve ever played to make use of forced camera angles for emotional effect. Seeing the camera zoom out to an unnatural angle made my heart race almost every time which is kind of astounding.

Very clear Twin Peaks influence (see the fantastic ending credits and a lot of the brilliantly composed and produced music for reference), but this is more than welcome.

Will probably have to play a second time before I can comment on the story. Told in a rather fragmented and disorienting way, which was a good choice for this game I think, but this caused me to spend most of my energy trying to piece together what was happening. I don’t think I comment on presence of effective symbolism or subtext without going in a second time already knowing the broad strokes of the plot.

Overall a really special game. Not one that I had a blast playing but one that I have a lot of respect for and certainly deserves its reputation as an incredibly creative, artful, and effective piece of horror media.

Reviewed on Feb 24, 2024
