Will finish at a later date when the original isn’t so fresh in my mind. Not particularly optimistic after about 5 hours into an initial play through. A bit annoyed at this game in principle for feeling wholly unnecessary re: remaking something that didn’t need to be remade and not doing anything drastically different to justify the remake. Of any of the RE games pre RE7 this one probably needed to be remade the least from an artistic standpoint - original isn’t dated (people call the controls dated but they’re key to what makes the game work IMO) and there’s very little to improve upon. However, the original RE4 is a legendary title and sold really well so remaking it is of course a great idea financially. Just makes me a little bummed since Code Veronica and RE0 got skipped over and would have greatly benefited from RE2R style remakes. All the changes I’ve encountered so far are seemingly minor but upset the near perfect balance of the original and end up being unfortunately for the worse. Was having a fun time with the game and imagine I’ll enjoy completing it at a later date - game doesn’t seem bad by any means - but can’t justify continuing to play it having completed the original less than a month ago when this doesn’t seem to be bringing anything new to the table of quality and doesn’t seem to be doing anything substantially different in a way I find interesting. I can already tell I won’t like this as much as the original and playing it so soon after will likely make me hyperfocused on its shortcomings. Looking forward to the inevitable RE5 remake - a deeply flawed game that could actually benefit from being redone - because I’m very curious to see if capcom can fix its deeply entrenched issues.

Reviewed on Mar 03, 2024
