1 review liked by ParkerJordanLee

This is how you do a remake. After Mass Effect, Dead Space is my second favourite gaming franchise of all time. Now I have the first game looking and playing gloriously in this remake. What a time to be alive.

Isaac talks now. I never wanted that. In fact when the first Dead Space 2 trailer released and he had a voice, I was vehemently against it. Dead space 2 released and I adored it. But despite loving Isaac’s voice I didn’t want it added to the first game. But I was wrong again. Isaac having a voice really fleshes out his character, his relationships with those around him and more importantly we really get a look at his relationship with Nicole. Also his descent into madness is more effective when you hear how events are affecting him.

The game looks beautiful. Fleshy, horrific yet utterly sublime in its lighting and environmental detail. The Ishimura has never looked better. They also changed up the traversal. The Ishimura is now no longer split into separate levels and can now be fully explored as an open area. With enemies populating earlier cleared rooms which ensures your always on edge. They added circuit breakers to encounters meaning that you have to choose. Do you keep the lights on but turn off the oxygen. Having to fight whilst managing your air supply. Or do you keep the oxygen on but turn the lights off? Having to fight the horrors on the ship in complete darkness? I prefer the lack of oxygen 😂 little side quests were added as well where you get a little back story on characters and that was much appreciated.

But I think what I love most about this remake. Is that they have taken a game I have run through numerous times and made it damn scary again. I know what’s coming, what the encounters have in store for me. But despite that, this playthrough was a little Spoopy and I enjoyed being scared again.

This playthrough I went straight in on Impossible difficulty and completed it. Don’t let it intimidate you. The difficulty is busted. Before the death animation plays out you can quit and reload meaning you can technically die on impossible mode and still get the trophy. Is that what I did? I will never tell 🤫

It’s like The Last of Us remake. Taking an already excellent game and just being better. But this remake does a lot more to it’s base version. Adding elements that really compliment the original and never ruining what was already amazing. Dead Space 2023 may end up being my GoTY.