made me want to eat an octorock

The first Mario Maker is far more enjoyable, but this is still very fun.

Lets be honest, everyone who grew up with Nintendo has wanted to make a Mario game at some point in their lifetime. Super Mario Maker allows you to do that perfectly. Some of the levels i’ve played in this game are masterpieces, and i’ve had so much fun with this game.

Also, i loved the amiibo costume feature, it’s a damn shame that Nintendo didn’t bring it back in Mario Maker 2.

Suffers from a lot of the same issues that Persona 3 Dancing had. The “story” is locked behind a dumb social like-type system which makes completing it way less enjoyable.

Music is decent, not the best but still has a great amount of good songs. Overall, Persona 5 Dancing provides a fun experience, but Persona 3 Dancing and Persona 4 Dancing provide a WAY more fun experience.

Story is locked behind a lame social link-like system, which is my only complaint. Great music and provides a fun experience.

Also the remix of Time is the best song.

Surprisingly good for a spin-off rhythm game. Has a pretty good story with great music and provides a fun experience.

Also I'm REEEEALLY glad they got Lotus Juice back for this.

Great multiplayer and zombies, campaign was ok.

Such a fantastic game, obviously had its flaws but the Yo-Kai Watch series needs another chance.

Loved what I played of it, great atmosphere and great story. However, when I played the game was filled with glitches.

also, this was the first horror game i’ve ever played. (not counting five nights at freddy’s.)

huge disappointment, character designs are bad, story is bad, Ultron-Sigma is cool though.

loved the overall design of the game but this is just not good


fun game but dead by daylight feels way better